The Mass Casualty Commission will have the following main activities.
These activities may overlap and run parallel to one another as the Commission carries out its work:
- Conduct a thorough investigation into the areas set out in its mandate;
- Gather evidence and information from witnesses, experts and others with relevant information through meetings, hearings, roundtables and research;
- Review and analyze the evidence and information;
- Submit an interim report in May 2022;
- Submit a final report in November 2022 that contains the findings and recommendations of the inquiry.
Broadly speaking, there will be four main aspects to the Commission’s work:
- Retaining team members to fulfill the inquiry’s mandate;
- Investigating and evidence gathering;
- Meetings, hearings, roundtables and research;
- Drafting the report.
Inquiry Process Overview
Download the outline below to see some of the Mass Casualty Commission's key activities and milestones for the duration of the public inquiry.
Public Inquiry Overview
This video was created as a way to introduce the Mass Casualty Commission and the Commissioners during COVID-19. The Commissioners look forward to in person meetings as soon and as safely as possible, particularly with those most affected.