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Public Open House

September 29, 2021 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Primary site location:

Wentworth Recreation Centre, 13752 Hwy 4, Wentworth, NS

The Mass Casualty Commission is hosting a series of public Open Houses this month to share information with community members about the Commission.

The format of the Open Houses will be informal, drop-in style. You are welcome to come any time during the event. The setup of the space will have Commission team members at different tables sharing information about aspects of our work and answering questions about the inquiry process. There will be opportunities to gather printed information and share feedback and input as well. The information being shared is the same at each location, so we encourage you to attend the one that works best for you. These will not be the only opportunities to engage with the Commission. There will be more public activities in the future.

For more details, view our Community Notice.

To learn more about the Commission’s Community Engagement work, click here.

Content Warning: The following video contains scenes including the discharging of firearms causing death. There is a “quick exit” button at the top of the website if you need it, and Wellness Supports are also listed.

Some of the information within this website may be disturbing or upsetting for some visitors. This website deals with information about events that include gun and other violence, including gender-based violence and intimate partner violence. If you need to leave at any point, there is a “quick exit” button at the top of the website. This website also includes some suggested resources, should you be in need of support.

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