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This page provides a list of key resources about the Commission and will be updated frequently.

For media enquiries, or to be added to the media list to receive updates, please contact:

Looking for transcripts?

Transcripts are available on our webcast page. The calendar also includes the webcast and transcript for each day there is a proceeding.

Media Protocols

These media protocols will guide the Mass Casualty Commission’s public proceedings.


Media Protocols pdf


Application for Media Accreditation pdf

News Releases

Pool Photography

Canadian Press has captured pool photography at some of the Commission’s public proceedings. Any requests for pool photos can be sent to the Canadian Press’s PixDesk at Upon receiving the request for pool photos, Canadian Press will handle distribution.

Photo Gallery

The following photos are for use by media and are not for commercial or personal reuse. Images are not to be altered. Questions about the use of these photos can be sent to:

Advertisements and Public Notices

The Commission is using different methods of communications to ensure the public is aware of our work and the opportunities to take part. This includes providing content to local newspapers, radio stations, and other media outlets. The following photos, provided by the Mass Casualty Commission, are for use by media and are not for commercial or personal reuse. Images are not to be altered. Questions about the use of these photos can be sent to:

Orders in Council

The details of the mandate are written in official documents known as Orders in Council (OICs) which provide the guidelines and boundaries for the Mass Casualty Commission to proceed with its work.


Order in Council: Government of Canada pdf


Order in Council: Government of Nova Scotia pdf

Content Warning: The following video contains scenes including the discharging of firearms causing death. There is a “quick exit” button at the top of the website if you need it, and Wellness Supports are also listed.

Some of the information within this website may be disturbing or upsetting for some visitors. This website deals with information about events that include gun and other violence, including gender-based violence and intimate partner violence. If you need to leave at any point, there is a “quick exit” button at the top of the website. This website also includes some suggested resources, should you be in need of support.

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